The only seaside restaurant in San Teodoro
Tradition since 1969
The L’Esagono restaurant in San Teodoro is a unique place that promises to offer an unforgettable dining experience.
Passionate restaurateur for over 50 years

It all beganin 1969 when Mario Azara, the current owner, as a simple black smith with a great family passion for hospitality and catering, decided to embark on a challenging commercial venture for those times.
“For the opening in 1969, I bought chairs from the Ortobene restaurant .
I repainted them myself, and (back then, there weren’t the paints we have today), quite a few people ended up with stained pants! But it was a great celebration! Back then, we caught fish in large quantities and in a thousand ways. I would take them to Olbia and sell them, or we would cook them here in a corner.
When I was 14, I put horse shoes on the carabinieri’s horses. A few years later, I bought a truck ,and a few years after that , I started building the bar.
It wasthe Swiss, not me, who gaven names to things and places.”
With the great support of his family’s work, he brought to life the two “hexagons”: a bar and a restaurant . In San Teodoro, which was certainly not what it is today, he showed bravery in pursuing his dream and passion for his work.
He never gave up, evenduring the most difficult and challenging times. Time rewarded Mario Azara for his efforts and sacrifices, and so in 1974, he managed to expand the initial structure with six rooms that would later become the “historical ” part of today’s hotel .